
6 reasons why gallbladder surgery fails 1/3 of the time
A pile of gallstones removed from all of these gallbladders would reach the moon! Gallbladder removal is one of the most common GI surgeries performed yearly in the US. After the advent of the laparoscopic procedure in the 80s, rates of removal went even higher. Currently, 750,000 gallbladders are removed […]

Bile & the Greater Good: are you missing this link?
Bile gets little credence in the health & wellness world; or worse, relegated to the useless and pesky. I get it though – like anyone else who has vomited and dry-heaved so hard bile came up – I can attest that it is quite bitter and leaves an undeniable sting […]

Your genes, microbiome and fake friends
I sat down for a chat with Dr. Ben Lynch a little while ago to chat about our own ability to change our genetic destiny – we are not closeted to the fate of our inherited DNA, but can actively shape it by the way we choose to live our […]

Your Genes are Not Your Destiny: Interview with Dr. Ben Lynch
One thing a bout Dr. Ben Lynch, he is always out ahead of the curve, forging new ground. Another thing, he is strikingly tall :) Ben Lynch and I went to medical school together at Bastyr University in Washington State. At that time – early 2000’s – Ben already had […]

Got painful bladder syndrome/IC? Check out your gut…
Bladder pain, burning, spasm, urgency and frequency are some of the most exquisitely heartbreaking symptoms that can be experienced, for the persistence and permeation into all levels of your awareness, to the fact that conventional outcomes for non-infectious/non-UTI bladder symptoms are notoriously poor. Im talking about interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome […]

A new model of IBS
Over 50 million Americans have been diagnosed with irritate bowel syndrome (IBS), and it’s quite likely that at least that many of us are walking around with IBS but haven’t been diagnosed yet. Gas, bloating, distension, spasm, queasiness, stomach pain, intestinal pain, constipation, diarrhea – or a combination of the […]