You asked, we listened. Each and every week, we hear from the mothers and caretakers of young infants who are at their wits end with desperation, exhaustion and frustration.
Welcoming a new baby into the family is expected to be a joyous occasion, and so it cuts to the core when baby is crying, fussy, irritable, spitting up and not sleeping. It’s easy to be bewildered and unsure of ourselves. Sleep deprivation enhances these emotions and frustrations, and one can feel unsure of what to do or what is even normal.
This is why we are thrilled to offer the Fussy Baby Program to the parents and caretakers of fussy babies under the age of six months old.
The Fussy Baby Program is a three step process specifically aimed to quickly de-stress you and your baby, to reduce symptoms of crying, irritability and spitting up and increase feelings of well being, successful feedings and even better bonding of your family.
Unfortunately, a medication-only approach is typically what is offered to new parents. Yet when we look at the research we find that these medications are largely ineffective, are prescribed without appropriate evaluation (thus without indication) and confer risks. Clearly, we need a better approach because we know this one isn’t up to snuff.
The Fussy Baby Program offers a unique solution to proactive parents and caretakers who are interested in reducing their baby’s symptoms without the use of medication. The Fussy Baby Program can be used to help babies who are on medication get off of it faster.
The Fussy Baby Program is for ALL fussy babies.
Many parents aren’t aware of the multitude of management strategies available to help their fussy babies, and this program aims to change that.
What is colic?
Colic is a catch-all term for excessive crying and irritability, and it’s present in 20-30% of infants. What is excessive? Consider that it is normal for babies to cry up to three hours per day! Excessive crying is responsible for 10-20% of pediatrician visits before 3 months of age.
Incidence of colic is equal between sexes, between babies who are breast or formula fed, between babies born at full term or preterm, between babies of different socioeconomic status and babies born in different seasons of the year.
Crying, even when considered excessive, is seemingly benign, right? Yet it has been shown to lead to increased risk for Shaken Baby Syndrome, Postpartum Depression, guilt and frustration for parents and caretakers, less breastfeeding, earlier introduction of solids and reduction of mother-infant interaction, which in turn can trigger a whole new set of risks.
It’s not so benign when we consider these risks, and when we speak to new mamas and caretakers who are overwhelmed with anguish and self doubt about their care taking abilities.
What about reflux?
Reflux (spitting up) is also common and normal. Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) in infants is a regular, physiological response based on baby’s anatomy and physiology. Episodes of spitting up after eating – even up to 30 times a day!! – are normal.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), on the other hand, is not normal…and not so common, either.
Only 3 out of 1,000 babies have GERD and there are pathological consequences associated with it: irritation of the esophagus, nutritional compromise and failure to thrive, chronic ear infections, chronic cough, Sandifer Syndrome (arching back, lifting chin and twisting the neck – it looks like a seizure), anemia and respiratory complications. These are the babies for whom medications are most indicated.
Irritable Baby Syndrome
In more cases than not, fussy babies who fuss and scream and spit up don’t have anything pathologically wrong with them. There are a variety of factors that have been shown to contribute to symptoms in fussy babies, borne out by research, and these include:
- Food sensitivity (including milk protein intolerance, transient lactose intolerance and sensitivity to other foods)
- Disrupted microbiome
- Low beneficial bacteria
- High numbers of pro-inflammatory, pro-gas-causing bacteria
- Sensory overstimulation (from lights, smells, sounds, motion)
- Sensory understimulation (not enough of the right kind of stimulation)
- Second Brain imbalance
- Nervous system imbalance
- Stress/anxiety in the home or of caretakers
So what is going on?
There is a line when we consider what is normal, what could be improved upon and what is frankly pathological that requires drug treatment. The truth is, there are many underlying reasons why an infant may be fussy that have nothing to do with requiring medication.
It is possible and extremely beneficial to utilize methods to identify food triggers, improve the health of the microbiome and the function of the Second Brain of babies. Further, we can support the nervous system functioning of babies and caretakers alike by incorporating soothing, de-stressing behaviors into the daily routine.
These strategies have been shown to reduce symptoms by 70% and more in fussy babies, within days to weeks.
What is the Fussy Baby Program
A three step process that reduces symptoms of crying, irritability, inconsolable screaming, gas, explosive poops and sleep disruption.
The Fussy Baby Program utilizes dietary evaluation for breast and formula fed babies, allowing caretakers to quickly identify food triggers.
Targeted supplementation with gentle, research-backed protocols of herbal preparations and probiotics are incorporated.
Tools for feeding and latch quality, consideration of birth trauma and structural issues and where to seek help for those are included.
Daily soothing techniques and behaviors and clean up of baby’s environment are taught to reduce stress of caretakers and babies alike.
The Fussy Baby Program is a comprehensive, drug free approach that specifically targets common underpinning reasons for fussiness and Irritable Baby Syndrome
What you get with the Fussy Baby Program
- Access to the video classroom containing all of your lessons, PDFs and resources
- Fussy Baby School
- Soy, dairy and beef free guide and recipes
- Formula evaluation guide
- Enzymes and probiotic guide specific to fussy babies
- Extended elimination diet guide and recipes
- Protocols for herbal preparations, dosing and schedule
- Dozens of recipes
- Resources for finding appropriate professionals for your team and our favorite baby-wearing and baby-soothing products
- Bonus materials: postpartum depression support for mothers, gut support for mothers, and in-depth look at acid blockers in infants
Who is the Fussy Baby Program for?
– Infants six month or less diagnosed with colic
– Infants six months or less diagnosed with reflux or silent reflux
– Infants six months or less who are hard to console or are reactive
– Infants six months or less who are taking acid-blocking medications
– Fussy infants six months or less who are not taking acid-blocking medications
– Fussy infants who are breast fed
– Fussy infants who are formula fed
Who is the Fussy Baby Program NOT for?
– Toddlers
– Teenagers
– Adults
The scourge of over diagnosis and overmedication
We see that baby is fussy and spitting up, assume there is something pathologically wrong and agree to start medication.
A 2014 study showed that 62% of pediatricians will jump to a diagnosis of GERD when presented with a fussy baby. This is in spite of the fact that the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology states, “in infants and toddlers, there is no symptoms complex that is diagnostic of GERD or predicts response to therapy.”
This begs the question, are we over diagnosing and overmedicating our babies? Because pediatricians who (inappropriately) diagnose GERD will often go on to suggest a two week trial of acid blocking medication, despite the warning of the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology: “there is no evidence to support an empirical trial of acid suppression as a diagnostic criteria in infants and young children where symptoms of GERD are less specific.” (ie – no respiratory distress, no failure to thrive)
In other words, we medicate to treat symptoms of crying and spitting up – which are normal – without the evidence or presence of acid-induced disease.
To add insult to injury, when we examine the systemic reviews of randomized controlled studies of the use of acid blocking medications in infants, we see that efficacy is poor and treatment does not reduce episodes of crying in a statistically significant way. A 2015 systemic review of randomized controlled trials did not support the use of acid blockers to reduce crying and irritability.
Further, parents are often under-informed of the risks that these medications confer. While we certainly understand that parents want to be proactive and DO SOMETHING, it is important that any medication be started with the eyes wide open: that the medication is indicated, that it has a great chance of helping the baby, and what the side effects are.
Side effects of proton pump inhibitors include: microbiome disruption, increased risk of infections, particularly upper respiratory infections, increased risk of food allergy, increased intestinal permeability, increased risk of constipation, increased risk of small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), increased risk in developing Celiac disease in those genetically prone and increased risk of non-specific gastric inflammation.
Side effects of H2 blockers include: slower heart rate, bone marrow suppression and agitation.
From JAMA Pediatrics, 2014: “It is startling that in a disorder as commonly diagnosed as pediatric GERD, pharmacological therapy lacks a firm scientific base for its efficacy and safety. Considering the previously reported safety issues in new-borns, H2 blockers should be prescribed with great caution and only if acid-induced GERD has been confirmed.”
There IS another way
And that is the path the Fussy Baby Program takes you down. One specifically structured to identify and remove food triggers and detrimental sensory overstimulation while supporting baby’s microbiome, digestive ability, Second Brain and nervous system.
A path not designed to overwhelm or shame, but to support and soothe.
We know that this Program will help you and your fussy baby. If it doesn’t, we are happy to offer a 90-day, no-questions-asked money back guarantee. There is nothing to lose, and more sleep to gain.
After you purchase, you will be sent a confirmation link that you are not a robot (oh, technology!) and once you click the link, you will receive your invitation to the Fussy Baby Program within 24 hours or less.
Your Investment: $27