
8 Ways to De-Bloat Fast from a Sugar (or other) Binge
I just got back from a weekend away with my best girlfriends from high school. Each year we pick a weekend and a suitable location and we leave everything behind and just go hang out with each other, catch up, laugh and of course, eat. As you may or may […]

Five Things I Have Learned in Five Years of Marriage
I will never forget the first time I saw Keoni. It was September 23, 2003 around 8pm. As someone who had experienced migraines, I was going to the Bastyr Center for Natural Health training clinic for some acupuncture to see if that would help with head pain. Keoni was my […]

If I Die Today, Here are 35 Things I Learned
Today I turn 35. It seems like a big year for some reason. When I was in my very early twenties, my Uncle Frank and I were having dinner at the Hacienda in Somerville, MA. We were chatting about education, college, my career path and what was coming up for […]

Choose Your Mindset; Change Your Life
?If you act like a victim, you are likely to be treated as one.? ?Paulo Coelho Thank you, Jillian for letting me crash your blog and share with your readers some of our conversations around mindset, introspection and how to cultivate a perception that puts you in […]

The Elimination-Challenge Diet: How Do I Know if I Am Sensitive to a Food?
Could the food you eat be actually harming you? One of the most frustrating challenges we face as we begin to wade in the ocean of ?Let Me Figure Out My Health Issues? is to determine: could something I?m eating be contributing to my symptoms? Because the truth is, […]

Interview with Esther Blum
Ms. Esther Blum is a Registered Dietician with a functional spin. She is the creative force behind the Living Gorgeous blog and a Best-Selling author and THIS WEEK she has released her fourth book, “Cavewomen Don’t Get Fat”. We’ve recieved word that it is slated to hit the New York […]